What’s Your Blog Worth? (+ How to Increase It)

To give a price for your blog, it needs to have consistent monthly revenue for at least 6 months.

A blog that doesn’t make money is not worth a dollar to potential buyers!

In this post, I will shine some light on the valuation of your blog and how to estimate it.

What’s My Blog Worth?

Your blog’s worth is usually 20 times what you’re pulling in each month.

That’s based on your earnings over the past year or so.

Buying a blog is like placing a bet on the future. The buyer is throwing down their money now, hoping that it’ll pay off down the line.

Let’s break it down with an example.

Imagine your blog is making $1,000 a month. If you do the math, that’d put your blog’s price tag at around $20,000.

That’s right – a prospective buyer would be willing to pay for nearly two years’ worth of earnings upfront because they’re betting they’ll make that money back, and then some.

But hey, remember, this is a ballpark figure. It’s a starting point, a rule of thumb. Your blog might be worth more or less depending on other factors.

There are cases where a blog owner has sold their site for up to 50 times the monthly revenue.

But that’s very optimistic and usually only means your site is earning far below its maximum potential.

How to Sell a Blog?

Selling a blog isn’t as simple as sticking a ‘For Sale’ sign on your homepage and waiting for the offers to roll in.

My website with a for sale sign on it

There are platforms out there that make the selling process easier – they’re like real estate agents but for websites.

These ‘blog flipper’ sites can help you find a buyer and take care of all the paperwork. One such site is called Flippa.

Flippa blog selling website

But just like selling a house, you’ve got to make sure your blog is in tip-top shape before you list it.

And that’s where the timing comes in.

Selling a brand-new blog doesn’t usually work out too well.

I mean, would you buy a brand-new restaurant that hasn’t had a single customer yet?

Probably not.

Because you’ve got no way of knowing if that place is going to be a hit or a flop. It’s the same with blogs.

Before you even think about selling, you need to let your blog “marinate” in the search results for a while and let it build up some credibility.

Make sure to read my post about how to write blog posts that rank.

For example, here’s a 16-month-old site of mine. As you can see, the site is still growing.

Slow growth trend of my blog

If I were to sell this site right now, I would have to settle for a ~3-5x smaller price than the site is actually worth. On average, the site has gotten about 100 clicks per day for the past year. But right now it gets 250-350 clicks a day.

Buyers want to see that your blog is established and aged well. It’s a too risky move to buy a blog that might crash in the next year or two, for example, due to a Google update.

Zero Earnings = Zero Worth

Here’s the hard truth: a blog with no visitors or earnings is worth nothing.

As a beginner blogger, it might be tempting to think “Hey, I’ll just set up a blog, launch it, and boom – I’ll have a sweet little side income!”

But that’s not how it works. You need to spend years on it first!

It all boils down to one thing: treat your blog like a real business.

Don’t just pump out post after post – spend time creating quality content that provides real value to your readers. Because when you offer something of value, people will come, and they’ll stick around.

Blogging is a marathon, not a sprint.

It can take years before you see a single penny from your blog. And once you do start earning, it might take another year before those earnings start to stabilize.

And even then, you’re not done.

Because now you’ve got to figure out how much your blog is really worth, and at what price point it makes sense to sell it. That could easily take another year.

So we’re talking about three years of hard work before you’re ready to sell.

I know, it sounds daunting. But remember, good things take time. So keep your eye on the prize, put in the work, and one day, you’ll see that all that effort was worth it.

And remember, we’re not doing exact science here. You could sell a blog much earlier than 3 years in. But this would probably also mean you sell it at a very low price.

How to Improve Pricing of a Blog

#1 First up, Your Brand

Your blog’s brand is like its personality. It’s what makes your blog unique, and what sets it apart from the crowd.

The stronger and more distinctive your brand, the better it looks in the eyes of buyers.

#2 Authority

This is all about building trust with your readers and the wider web. A blog with high authority stands strong in Google search results.

This attracts buyers as there are lower risks involved.

#3 Monetization

Monetization is the key when it comes to pricing a blog.

This is how your blog makes money, whether it’s through advertising, affiliate marketing, sponsored posts, or selling products or services.

The more diverse your monetization strategies, the more valuable your blog is.

#4 Visitors

Visitor numbers are a big deal, too. A blog with a ton of traffic is obviously worth more than one that’s a virtual ghost town.

But it’s not just about the number of visitors you have – it’s about the trend, too.

Is your blog’s traffic growing? Or is it slowing down? Or maybe it’s all over the place? Buyers want to see steady, consistent growth, not wild swings up and down.

How to Start a Successful Blog This Year?

By the way, if you’re keen on learning more about how to kickstart a profitable blog this year, I’ve got just the thing for you.

I’m hosting a free Blogging Masterclass 🎓 where I dive deeper into the strategies and secrets of successful blogging.

In this masterclass, you’ll learn step-by-step how to create, grow, and monetize a blog that people love.

We’ll cover everything from choosing the right niche and crafting engaging content to developing solid monetization strategies and building a loyal audience.

So, if you’re ready to turn your blogging dreams into reality, don’t miss this chance.

Thanks for reading!